Categories: Feature films Short films Catalogues They went in...
Short films
11:45 in the morning. Everything seems to be going normal until something falls from the sky...
Technical Crew
Direction and screenplay: Gerson Ramos
Cast: Lamberto Guerra, Borja Texeira, Nacho Peña, Caly Díaz.
Genre: Fiction
Cathegory: Comedy
Country: Spain
Technical Data
Original title: LA HOSTIA
Year of production: 2022
Length: 3' 44''
Screen Ratio: 16:9
Colour: Black and white
Original Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Year of production: 2022
Length: 3' 44''
Screen Ratio: 16:9
Colour: Black and white
Original Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Selections and awards
- FIC Gáldar
Gáldar, Spain - II Certamen de Cine 'El Tranvía'
Tenerife, Spain - Fantastic and Terror Film Festival in Tàrrega - Galacticat
Tàrrega, Spain - Festival Cortisonici
Varese, Italia - España en Corto - Spanish Short Film Festival
Georgia, USA - 21 Islands International Short Film Festival
USA - Fantastic and Horror Short Film Competition of Sants
Sants, Spain - Festival de Cortometrajes 'Corto Cortismo' de Miguelturra
Ciudad Real, Spain - KINÉ, Muestra Internacional de Cortometrajes
Puebla, Mexico - Festival BaideFest
Roses, Spain - Festival Guadalcanal en Corto
Guadalcanal, Spain - Festival El Cuervo
Cintruénigo, Spain - FILMETS Badalona Film Festival
Badalona, Spain - Terror Córdoba Festival
Cordoba, Argentina - Festival de Cortometrajes Km 666
Villafranca, Spain - Galician Freaky Film Festival
Vigo, Spain - Shorty Week Film Festival
Cádiz, Spain - La Victoria En Corto
Tenerife, Spain - Festival Internacional de Cine de Lanzarote
Lanzarote, Spain - San Rafael En Corto
Gran Canaria, Spain - Arc Film Festival
Mainz, Alemania - Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Landau La.Meko
Landau, Germany