Current affairs


I WANT TO SING home again

I WANT TO SING home again

The musical short film I want to sing, directed by Hèctor Romance, joins the list of selected short films in the Festival ULL NU, which takes place from June 8th to 12th in Andorra. The title, which builds a story of resistance and the will of the youth to fight for their right to have a future, will be screening in the non competitive section "Dissidències".







The Twilight of a Perturbed Consciousness by Manuela Gutiérrez Arrieta, a work belonging to the #CantabriaenCorto2023 catalogue, continues its journey through very special festivals.

This time it has been selected to be part of the Alterna Film Festival, an event with the most authorial and risky cinema, held at the Filmoteca de Zaragoza.

The appointment is from May 15 to 18.

Selection in Toronto for GLIESE

Selection in Toronto for GLIESE

The short film Gliese by Jorge Guimerá was screened at the Toronto Fantasy/Sci-Fi Film & Screenplay Festival, in Canada, as one of the selections for its April edition.

Furthermore, Victoria Angelique recently dedicated a spectacular review to the short film that you can read by CLICKING HERE.


PATATA in Lleida

PATATA in Lleida

Patata by Emilio González closes the week with a screening in the short film event Café Curt in a section called Cors Trencat (closed hearts in catalan). The event will take place on April 26th at Cafè del Teatre del Escorxador de Lleida.




#TrailerFriday A SHOOTING STAR

Yesterday we welcomed A shooting star to our catalogue. Ignasi Guerrero and Arturo Méndiz join forces to co-direct this documentary that introduces us to the story of Ignasi and the loss he and his wife Ágata suffered after the passing away of his son Pep. We dive into this tale marked by pain but also hope in today's #TrailerFriday.



A short film to make 'em laugh

A short film to make 'em laugh

Patata, the short film directed by Emilio González, continues touring around festivals and makes a new stop in the CHARCAJADA Festival, held in the town of Campillo de Altobuey (in the region of Castilla-La Mancha). A contest dedicated to works of comedy which celebrates its third edition starting tomorrow, April 26th, and throughout the weekend.





A SHOOTING STAR joins our catalogue

A SHOOTING STAR joins our catalogue

To keep going against all odds and remember to fight the emptiness. Today we extend a warn and special welcome to our catalogue to A shooting start, a film codirected by Ignasi Guerrero and Arturo Méndiz. The movie departs from the personal experience of codirector Ignasi, who lost his son Pep to a cardiopathy a few months after being born. Divided in camera work and animated parts, the documentary's intention is to serve as an axis to raise awareness about mourning but also as a tool to process and understand what they went through, sharing feeling of sadness, grief and hope to the viewer.


We wish you the best on this new journey ahead!



Finalists in the Premios Fugaz short list

Finalists in the Premios Fugaz short list

We're thrilled to announce that we're included in the finalist short film of the prestigious Premios Fugaz, the annual date to celebrate the Spanish short film industry. The short films featured in this new edition are all candidates in the section dedicated to works of fiction, with three short films from our regional catalogues. First, Anticlimax by Néstor López and Óscar Romero, and Good t'see ya by Nüll García, both featured in the #CortosQuercus2023 catalogue. Joining them there is Fairgame: 90 minutes with El Rifle by Caque Trueba and Juan Trueba, from the #CantabriaEnCorto2023 catalogue.


Congratulations to all the selected films and respective teams!



WHICH ROLE DO YOU WANT TO PLAY? awarded in the Plasencia en Corto

WHICH ROLE DO YOU WANT TO PLAY? awarded in the Plasencia en Corto

The director Álvaro de la Hoz has received a new award for his short film Which role do you want to play? in the Plasencia en corto film festival that celebrated its closing ceremony last Saturday April, 20th. More specifically, the film has taken home the 'Equality and no violence' award for its activism and commitment with social issues. Carlota Trueba gives life to Julia, who attends the birthday party of one of her friends. We become witnesses of the events that take place that night in a film that directly questions the viewer about their role relating to gender violence and violence against women.



Congratulations on this achievement!




C/ Herradores, 106, 1º, Oficina 2
38201 San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Tenerife)