The return of the Festival Internacional de Cine de Lanzarote

The return of the Festival Internacional de Cine de Lanzarote

The Festival Internacional de Cine de Lanzarote just announced the films selected in the 24th edition of the contest and we are delighted to share that three of the short films managed by #Digital104FilmDistribution will be participating in this year's edition. Sour Milk by Sergio Muñoz and José Ángel Lorente Pavón (#CortosQuercus2023) will be competing in the Sección Nacional - a section dedicated to films from all over Spain-, while Patata by Emilio González and Life in a second by Pablo Fajardo will be part of the Sección Canaria - only for films made by filmmakers from the Canary Islands. The festival has gained national recognition over the years and is a qualifying festival for the Premios Fugaz and collaborator of the Premios Goya.


On May 20th - 25th.

Congratulations to you all!


